The redhead and I were home Friday night, playing an intense game of Scrabble (I know, I know…we sound like an old married couple…but she was sick…and…never mind…). We had the TV on and between turns, we watched “The Polar Express.” I hadn’t seen this film in a few years and forgot about how much longing it stirs up in me (I’ll save that for another blog post). The film is about a boy who’s grown skeptical of the whole Santa Claus thing until one Christmas Eve when a train shows up in his front yard. The conductor invites him to take a ride on the Polar Express to travel to the North Pole to meet Santa himself.
I was intrigued by how the movie addresses the whole topic of skepticism. For the boy, seeing is believing. Until he sees Santa, he won’t believe.
Near the end of the film, the skeptical boy is at the North Pole, he’s surrounded by thousands of elves, stands within eye shot of the flying reindeer and is standing with a group of ecstatic children, all jumping up and down with excitement over the appearance of Santa. All of them can see him, except, that is, for the boy who won’t believe until he sees. The crowd is blocking Santa and he can't get a good, convincing glimpse of him.
I was intrigued by how the movie addresses the whole topic of skepticism. For the boy, seeing is believing. Until he sees Santa, he won’t believe.
Near the end of the film, the skeptical boy is at the North Pole, he’s surrounded by thousands of elves, stands within eye shot of the flying reindeer and is standing with a group of ecstatic children, all jumping up and down with excitement over the appearance of Santa. All of them can see him, except, that is, for the boy who won’t believe until he sees. The crowd is blocking Santa and he can't get a good, convincing glimpse of him.
Suddenly, he has a change of heart. He shuts his eyes tightly and vows that he believes in Santa. Upon opening his eyes, he finds himself standing before St. Nicolas himself. Believing leads to seeing.
The film reminded me a of a quote attributed to Blaise Pacal, a French philosopher and scientist who converted to Christianity and penned the Penses (sayings)…a collection of sayings that scholars believe to be the basis of a book he was writing. (Pascal died before the book's completion. but the sayings have been in print for a few hundred years). In the Penses, he states that “God has given us enough evidence of himself so that faith in him is a most reasonable thing…but you won’t get there by reason alone.”
The boy has a lot evidence for the existence of Santa: he’s at the North Pole and he's surrounded by elves and flying reindeer. There’s enough evidence to conclude that belief in Santa is reasonable, but he doesn’t get there by reason alone, he chooses to believe, and then he sees the Jolly Elf.
It seems like God puts us in a similar situation as the boy in this movie. It's not unreasonable to believe in him. There’s enough evidence. But we have to choose to believe before we see. Why? Why doesn’t he make himself more obvious?
I think God hides himself a bit because he wants more from us than the mere acknowledgment of his existence. He wants to be known. I know that in my own life, I personally could care less how many people on this planet are aware of my existence. I do desire, however, to be known and loved. Jesus said the greatest thing we could do was to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength (loving our neighbor comes next). God wants our love, and that has to be freely given. He gives us the space to reach out to him or reject him. He doesn't leave us without evidence of his existence. He leaves just enough of a trail to follow if we want to find him. And if we hope on board the train, he provides us with more clues to his existence. But there's just enough of a lack of a trail if we want to reject him. His distance gives us the space and freedom to to either love him or reject him. The choice is ours…believing is seeing.
VERY well said. Who'd have thought that The Polar Express could help produce a blog entry. ;)
So well written! Your exlanation and conclusion "Believing is seeing" are awesome. There is evidence of God all around us (if we would simply choose to notice) and for that I am grateful every day!
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